By Sara Farmazi, RTT therapist
Clinically, the term ‘infertile’ is applied if a couple has difficulty getting pregnant after trying for one year. Most infertile women are diagnosed with ‘unexplained infertility’, which literally means their reproductive system is fine, so there is no medical reason for them not to be able to conceive- this is where RTT has been proven to help.
Rapid Transformational Therapy uncovers and addresses the 12 blocks to getting pregnant. Among the 12 blocks are the fear of giving birth, the fear of losing control of your body, the fear of being a bad parent, the fear of age and guilt. Once you uncover which of the blocks effect you, you’ll be able to overcome them enabling you to gain freedom from the thought that you can’t get pregnant. Working together, we will ensure that you implement new, positive beliefs about pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood- giving you every reason to stay positive about conception.
Hypnobirthing is a well-known, logical and effective form of antenatal preparation and method of pain management. You already have the perfect system of giving birth created in your body. Rapid Transformational Theory helps you re-programme your subconscious mind to eliminate any fears/anxieties associated with giving birth and gives you the tools needed for your body to give birth efficiently and comfortably in the way it is designed to.
RTT will implement structured breathing, deep relaxation, visualisation techniques, combined with positive thought and language, reduced stress, and reduced fatigue to make your pregnancy experience smooth and your birthing experience on par. Hypnobirthing with Rapid transformational allows you control hormone stress during pregnancy, reduce mood swings, keep you relaxed throughout pregnancy and during birth, allows for a calmer and more comfortable birth, lessens the physical impact of childbirth and allows you to have more control throughout the birth- it also dramatically reduces the chances of postnatal depression.
Hypnobirthing doesn’t promise a perfect birth, but it will give you the best birth for you and your baby.
Postnatal care and postnatal depression:
Rapid Transformational Therapy helps with keeping you calm and in control whilst adjusting to parenthood, it allows you to bond with your baby whilst keeping in touch with yourself and reduces stress allowing you to make the most out of everyday with your new born. It’s proven to be effective for postnatal depression and can be beneficial for both mother and father.