“Supervision is not ‘management’ but open exploration. It is a soulful endeavour. At the heart of group supervision is the crucial notion of affect, the modification or variation produced in a body/mind by the interaction with other bodies/minds. Affects carry important information, and it is through being affected, that therapists and supervisors can begin to unfasten the artificial separateness of client-therapist-supervisor. That’s when the client’s experience may be more genuinely accessed. Through experiential processing of clinical material and discussion, we will explore some innovative ideas from affect theory and beyond that may enliven and enrich participants’ practice. For an introduction, please refer to this free article published in Threshold, a BACP magazine: click here. My way of working is suitable for therapists of all orientations” Dr Manu Bazzano.
Dr Manu Bazzano is an author, psychotherapist/supervisor in private practice and an internationally recognised lecturer and facilitator. His background is philosophy and rock music. He studied Eastern contemplative practices since 1980 and in 2004 was ordained in the Soto and Rinzai tradition of Zen Buddhism. Among his books: Re-Visioning Existential Therapy: (Routledge,2020) Nietzsche and Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2019); Re-visioning Person-centred Therapy (2018); Zen and Therapy: Heretical Perspectives (2017) Therapy and the Counter-tradition (2016); After Mindfulness (2014); Spectre of the Stranger: towards a Phenomenology of Hospitality (Sussex, 2012); Buddha is Dead (Sussex, 2006). Website: www.manubazzano.com
All dates: Saturdays 12 February 2022
Fee: £140
Time: Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm (UK time)
Venue: Online – Zoom