Project Description

Kate Munden – TRE Trauma Release Trainer, EFT Intl Trainer and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist

Kate is an Advanced Mentor and highly experienced TRE Global Certification Trainer Accredited with TRE for All. She is privileged to have completed advanced training with Dr David Berceli the creator of TRE and she is the current Chair of the TRE UK Association which is dedicated to bringing trauma relief to the vulnerable in society.

She served on the Executive Board of EFT International and is an Accredited Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner and Certification Trainer. She is also a DipPsych and Member of ACEP (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology) and has been practising integrated energy psychology and polyvagal-informed techniques for over 30 years.

Kate’s approach is integrative. Healing from challenging life events can be a complex journey. It is important to find the right support for the whole system.

She brings a combination of flexible tools that support both body and mind. Often effective recovery from traumatic events is more than just talk and can be found in unexpected ways.

Although she works with any problem state her specialism is trauma and covert abuse recovery. As a survivor of covert narcissistic abuse and complex PTSD, she understands that client safety and confidentiality are a high priority.

She is a regular presenter and Trainer worldwide and has practised in both London and Kent.


Accredittaions and memberships:


10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF
+44 (0) 207 289 5656


Often effective recovery from traumatic events is more than just talk and can be found in unexpected ways..

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Advanced Integrative Energy Psychology
Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Some issues that Kate works with:
Trauma / PTSD
Emotional abuse
Narcissistic abuse
Narcissistic mother
Sexual abuse
Sleep issues