by Saidat Khan, Humanistic-Integrative Psychotherapist and Executive-life Coach
Senior executive leaders and professionals may be seen as immune to common human conditions that include; substance and alcohol misuse, anxiety disorders, work related occupational stress, traumas and significant life changes.
The leader will generally form and produce strengthened coping mechanisms in order to protect themselves against any signs of weakness or failure to others around them; colleagues, stakeholders, family and friends. The internal dialogue for the individual would probably sound like “If you are in a senior position and are a leader you must be resilient and better equipped to deal with problems than anyone else around you.” This is a very tall demand and a very high expectation of oneself and individual resources with no outside assistance and support may just not be enough. Accepting of mental health is more courageous than trying to solve sensitive and complex psychological issues without trained professional’s support and guidance.
It is very important that these personal matters are flagged up and addressed through early intervention and treatment, in an outpatient capacity to avoid escalation and deterioration of further mental health issues. The leader who is more aware of own emotions is more likely to be emotionally connected with others, and therefore, will produce effective leadership and business potential.
Identifying emotions will help ease the emotional pressure whilst instantaneously will produce rapid behavioural changes. These fundamental transitions of self-growth, healthy mental well-being and progressive coaching will transform an individual into a leader who will use empathy to engage, motivate and sustain teams that will increase organisation’s performance and business results.